sábado, 6 de julio de 2019

English in the university

This is my peniltimate level of english in the university. In this two years of career i had english in  my five semesters. I have failed a level, so i had to take the pre intermediate level again. All of the years i had difficult at the english subject because i ever was very bad at english, this time the biggest difficult to me was the class Schedule, this was presented as a problema because since the class on Tuesdays started at 8.30 am and finished at 10 am and then i didnt had more classes, then I had to get up so early (I live very far away) for only an hour and a half of classes, where it took me longer to go and return to my home than what I am in university. also, on wednesdays it was at the same time, which was not a problem because later i had more clases, but a teacher got sick and was licensed for many days, so she needed to retrieve classes, these classes recovered on wednesdays from 8.30 to 10, just like the English class,so it gave me another problem. 

In spite of everything, this was the best English course I've ever had, the teacher made everything more entertaining and was very understanding with us, the use of blogs its  something very positive and between had as a method of study, in addition to make videos and have an experience like youtuber is also an entertaining way to learn. Finally to comment despite this course, the only way i use English is to watch series, since I like to see them in their original language.

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my last experience as youtuber:(

Hi everybody:( this is my last video and I talking about my hobbies!! hope u enjoy:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdpdtki-jUw